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Join the Four Wheel Drive Club of Southern Africa
(Gauteng Branch)

What Membership Offers


  1. FREE camping at Base 4 for 365 days of the year.

  2. Discounted rates on Driver Training courses.

  3. Guided day, weekend and extended outings in South Africa and neighbouring countries.

  4. Conservation involvement.

  5. Visit Open Day on the second Saturday of every month.

  6. Addresses by world-renowned speakers who are experts in their fields.

  7. Attend social events.

  8. Participate in competitions and challenges.

  9. Constant communication and updates.

  10. Great networking opportunities.



The Four Wheel Drive Club of Southern Africa (Gauteng Branch) Annual Subscription : R2500.00
Payments made between 1 January and 28 February are deemed to be for the following year (running from March to February). New members paying after December get the last three months of year free.




Please send proof of payment to


Four Wheel Drive Club of SA

First National Bank


Acc: 58810022334

Payment Reference : Surname, Initial and SUBS



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